retrans3.gif (96300 bytes)

The distribution of acoustic signals (clicks) of the moth Agrotis ypsilon  Rott. in response to stimulation with retranslated signals.
Central solid line on the upper recording - moth's movements in a horizontal plane;
vertical lines, moments of echolocational signal emission by the moth;
dark green and white bars - periods when the setup replied to every moth's click with a retranslated signal.
During and after stimulation the moth emitted clicks more often. Two histograms below the recording show the changes in acoustic activity of the moth, when stimulus amplitude was 50 and 60 dB SPL, which corresponds to the amplitude of an echo in the moth's natural conditions. The "0" point on the time axis is a moment of the first acoustic contact (moth's click + retranslated signal). When making histograms every such first click was not taken into account. Every histogram includes results of 10 recordings.