bcell5.gif (6943 bytes)

After-stimulus histograms of impulses in the tympanal organ of an arctiid moth (Arctia caja L.) (the results shown were obtained in a single experiment):
à - histogram of the responses of acoustic receptor A1 to ultrasonic clicks (peak amplitude was 88 dB SPL);
á - the distribution of spikes in tympanal nerve after evoked tymbal clicks (the amplitude of discriminated clicks was near the amplitude of acoustic receptor A1 clicks);
â  - the distribution of high-amplitude spikes of the B-cell in response to evoked tymbal clicks.
Each histogram is plotted from the results of 50 stimulus presentations. (Abscissa: time from the beginning of stimulation in ms; ordinate: number of impulses in accumulation channel). Width of accumulation channel is 0.2 ms.